Frequently Asked Questions
about the Training Program
1. What calendar does the program follow?
Classes and rehearsals begin in early February and end in mid-December, with holidays in July.
2. How is the day and day?
Trainees are in the studios from Monday to Friday, from 9am to 3pm. Each day we begin with a devotional, followed by a technique class, and a 30-minute lunch break. In the afternoon, one more class (for example, cutting edge or contemporary class) and a period of rehearsal. However, if there is a larger number of presentations, some rehearsals may take place in addition to those already scheduled for that day.
We consider that there is the possibility of an adjustment in the monthly fee, always at the ministry's discretion. However, we are flexible, in case this readjustment happens. You can request a conversation with us about this.
3. How often do trainees present?
Performances usually take place on weekends and can range from a choreography with praise music performed in the square, to an entire show presented in a crowded theater. The diversity of performances is a blessing for those who participate in our ministry, therefore, it also brings a certain demand on their maturity in learning, maintaining, and presenting such a diverse repertoire. On average, we present 3 times a month, at least one of these can happen outside Curitiba.
4. What other opportunities do you have to serve in ministry?
In addition to dancing, you'll also have the opportunity to lead the daily devotional (from time to time, if you're interested), run the studios, help set up the stage and scenery, assist with the School of Arts, travel, serve on projects, and help in other areas like social media, marketing, and costumes.

5. Housing
Most trainees live with other trainees in apartments in Curitiba. The Ballet Magnificat! can help you find a place in the city. Trainees cannot live alone, and we will approve each housing situation. Each trainee, along with those who live with him, is responsible for paying his rent and living expenses. It is a great opportunity to grow in your independence and also in your relationships with others.
6. Do I need to know English?
More than 50% of our dancers are bilingual, speaking Portuguese and English. Every lesson, devotional, message, and information is given in both languages to help with language teaching. Because our board is American, it is very important that the dancers know some English. We don't require fluency, but it would make your life a lot easier here, especially since we have trainees from all over the world who are still learning Portuguese.
7. Is it possible to continue my college at a distance?
Some dancers are able to focus on an online college (EAD) while participating in the training program. It is entirely up to you whether you can organize a schedule that gives enough attention to your training as well as your studies.
8. Can trainees work in addition to studying?
Yes! The Training Program takes place from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, after which the trainees have the afternoon/evening period available. Most can easily work during this period.
9. Transport
Most dancers go on foot or by bus to wherever they need to go. The bus system in Curitiba is very efficient. You can cross the city in less than an hour and you can also walk to many places.